Pre-Wedding Welcome Picnic

We understand that we have a lot of people coming from out of town that have traveled a long way to celebrate our long awaited marriage. We really wanted to be able to spend more time with everyone and get our families together, and Adam definitely preferred a more casual gathering…there’s how we stumbled upon the idea of a pre-wedding picnic.

The picnic is being held outdoors at the large pavilion at the Bethlehem Township Community Center, so please dress comfortably and bring a sweatshirt because the beginning of October can fluctuate in temperatures.

Adam and I along with our parents will be welcoming guests between 11am and 3pm. Get there at your convenience and stay as long as you’d like. The facility is quite nice and has a lot to offer (sorry, the outdoor pool will close the weekend prior to our event), but we have access to the park, volleyball courts, tennis courts, basketball courts, and ball field. The website for the community center is

I encourage our family members to bring your children…it will be a nice opportunity to get the grandchildren & great grandchildren together (including the new editions Trent and Daniel).

Directions will provided to out of town guests by the hotel – Hampton Inn and Best Western.

If you need any other info please feel free to contact Adam or I by phone or email us.

2 Comment(s)

  1. Sounds like fun and the perfect place to all be together before the big day! Can’t wait!

    Cathy | Jul 29, 2010 | Reply

  2. I am really getting excited now…I really can’t wait to see you guys when you come into town tomorrow!

    Tara Roseberry | Sep 30, 2010 | Reply

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