Wedding Registry

Recently, I’ve been asked if we are registered anywhere and Yes, we are! We have registered at Bed, Bath, & Beyond and Amazon. I realize that there aren’t a lot of items on our registry, but we have been together more than nine years now and have recently furnished our new house. Therefore, the items on our registry are items that we have wanted, but haven’t found a way to work into our budget or items we own that are failing! (toaster)…at least it’s a very traditional wedding gift!

Any cash gifts that we receive will go toward our honeymoon in Italy. Adam and I have never taken a vacation alone, and our last family vacation was years ago! Ed & Tristan’s wedding in fact! It was quite a lovely reason for all of us to get to Florida. We are really looking forward to some much needed R&R and quality time together.

Amazon Wedding RegistryBed, Bath and Beyond Registry

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