What Not to Wear?

So many people have mentioned to me that they need to go buy something to wear to our wedding…females mostly. Most people really won’t need to go out and make a special purchase for the event. We are having a very comfortable and relaxed atmosphere (except for me…I’ll be stuffed in my dress).

I won’t list the things that you could wear. I’ll just note that we prefer to get away from jeans and t-shirts. We want everyone to be comfortable, yet respect that this day is still special for us. If you like to wear a suit to a wedding, then please do…otherwise a nice shirt is fine, with or without the tie…surprise us.

For our out of town guests, October can be either unseasonably warm or seasonably chilly and for those of you from warmer climates, it will likely feel chilly either way! Be certain that you have comfortably warm attire.

For the messy eaters amongst our family and friends, we are having the “Italian Feast” at our reception in part to share our love for Italian food and partly because we chose Italy as our honeymoon destination. Therefore, you may want to shy away from wearing white…maybe go for a darker color…or just wear something that is already the color of marinara sauce!
See you all very soon!
Love, Tara

1 Comment(s)

  1. UL and I can hardly wait!

    Cathy | Sep 16, 2010 | Reply

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