Last minute reminders

Welcome Picnic is Saturday Oct. 2nd (the day before the wedding) at the Bethlehem Township Community Center, 2900 Farmersville Road, Bethlehem PA

We will be welcoming family and friends from 11am to 3pm. Feel free to stay the entire time or drop in at your convenience. The picnic is being held at the large pavilion on the left behind the basketball courts upon entering the park. There will be signs to direct you, but it is VERY easy to find!

The temperature will range between 61 and 67 degrees at that time, but it will be sunny with limited wind so it should be a good October day.

Please dress comfortably, since it will be a bit chilly and it is a very casual affair. Jeans and sneakers and comfy attire all the way!

Sunday Oct. 3rd at 2pm. (We will start right on time, unless something unforeseen occurs)
Our wedding is being held indoors at The Candlelight Inn with a reception immediately following. 4431 Easton Avenue, Bethlehem PA.
There is a high temp of 62 degrees on Sunday, but once inside the festivities will remain inside. We can’t wait to see everyone!! Love, Tara and Adam

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