Planning the Honeymoon

We are going to Italy. Our flight is landing in Rome and connecting to Naples. We are staying Four nights in Positano at Hotel Gardenia.

Then we are staying two nights at The Villa Franca on the Amalfi Coast. Both locations are so picturesque, and beyond our wildest dreams of what we anticipated that we could afford for our honeymoon. We found an amazing rate to Italy, which included airfare, hotel, and a car rental. It didn’t include any activities or food in the package, and how can anyone go to Italy and not eat lots and do lots of sightseeing. Even though we found a great rate to Italy, it was the maximum that we could afford in our budget so we are very grateful for some very generous cash wedding gifts so that we may eat and experience some incredible sightseeing in Italy! We are planning on taking a cooking class together, and a wine tasting tour. We haven’t planned our full itinerary, but we also want to visit Mt. Vesuvius in Naples, take an Amalfi Coast boat tour, drive the Amalfi coast highway (which runs the length of the coast), and drive to Sicily. When we stay at the Villa Franca, I will absolutely visit the hotel sauna…when else will I be able to sit in a sauna and have an Italian statue of a naked man larger than life. Awesome! Here are a few photos of the Villa Franca.


If anyone has an ideas or info about things that we should do or see while we are there please post a comment here. Thank you so much.
Love, Mr. and Mrs. Muthard

1 Comment(s)

  1. I have never been to Italy so I’m jealous! Have a wonderful time, take lots and lots of photos. You only go on one honeymoon…so enjoy it to the fullest! Love AC

    Cathy | Oct 17, 2010 | Reply

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