The Proposal

Adam and I purchased a new house in July of 2009 for the sole purpose that we wanted Brody to grow up in a better neighborhood, and attend better schools. We found a home that we really like in a school district and neighborhood that appealed to all of us. Our new house really fits us. It is nice to finally have space to let Brody run and play, which he truly appreciates now that it is winter and we are often stuck indoors. Adam knew that he really wanted to propose to me in our new home, and also include Brody in the proposal. He was waiting for the right time for us and a time that Brody was going to be super cooperative. Adam also said that he was wanting us to be engaged prior to our little housewarming shindig.

Early in the evening on what felt like a very usual Sunday, Adam offered to take Brody upstairs and get him ready for bed and didn’t yell downstairs for assistance or anything. That in itself was making this an easy Sunday for me, so I started digging around in the fridge to get items to start making our lunches for the following day. Like I said, just an ordinary Sunday. Therefore, I didn’t even see my guys come downstairs because I was still digging around looking for pickles in the refrigerator. Adam said, “Mommy, Brody wants you for something”. When I turned around, I saw a very excited Brody-bear wearing a shirt saying Will You Marry My Dad? It was almost as if he knew what the shirt said…he was that excited, and when I turned to Adam he was on one knee. On Sunday, October 4, 2009 we were engaged in the kitchen right in front of the refrigerator. I couldn’t stop snuggling Brody and giving him kisses, and we even had a family hug. All that excitement made Brody literally dance around the house. It was a very good Sunday.


2 Comment(s)

  1. We just received your Save The Date card in the mail and were excited to see you have your own website now! Congratulations to you all! What an incredible way to be proposed to! Adam is very creative and what a wonderful memory! Love AC & UL

    Cathy | Feb 22, 2010 | Reply

  2. Adam the IT guy insisted on making a website, and now that I see it coming along, I am very glad that he did. The proposal was beautiful to me because…well, Brody was the center of it. Can’t wait to see you guys. I’m really looking forward to the Tucson sonoran hotdog!
    Love, Tara

    Tara Roseberry | Feb 24, 2010 | Reply

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